Scientific computing and information technology

Scientific computing and information technology

Scientific computing

Member: Stéphanie Delage Santacreu and Matthieu Haefele

How it works:

  • The LMAP has personnel specialized in scientific computing to help its research teams.
  • The Scientific Applications hub of the Numerical division provides support to the teams of the UPPA in scientific computing and data processing.
  • The LMAP has access to several computing means: the cluster of the UPPA, the PlaFRIM  platform of the Inria and the data-intensive computing center of Aquitaine (MCIA).


Information technology

Members: Stéphane Leborgne and Olivier Autexier

How it works:

  • The LMAP has personnel specialized in information technology to help its research teams.
  • The Numerical division (DN) provides support to the UPPA teams in information technology.