Laboratory of Mathematics and its Applications of PAU - UMR CNRS 5142 Welcome

The Laboratory of Mathematics and its Applications of Pau is part of the CNRS and of the University of Pau and Adour Region. It is a member of the IPRA Federation FR 2952 and of the Institute Carnot-isifor.
Furthermore, the LMAP is associated with INRIA via 2 common teams, namely «Makutu» and «Cagire».
Main research areas
- Probability and Statistics
- Stochastic modeling, probability,
- Data analysis, statistical inference.
- Algebra and Geometry
- Algebraic geometry of projective space and low dimensional topology.
- Partial differential equations analysis
- Non linear partial differential equations and optimization.
- Analysis and Numerical Simulation
- Fluid mechanics, porous media, waves and turbulence,
- Discretization methods for partial differential equations,
- Approximation, moving mesh, High Performance
Areas of Expertise
- Petroleum engineering and reservoir simulation
- Aerothermodynamics (combustion and cooling)
- Hydrodynamics and pollutant transportation
- Reliability and safety in industry
- Sampling design and quality control
- Data analysis and statistical methods for decision making
- Environment and biology
Brochure of the LMAP
Research (pdf - 5,42 Mo)