Marc Artzrouni

Marc ArtzrouniProfessor

  • Analysis, Geometry and Applications

  • Bâtiment IPRA - Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, Avenue de l'Université - BP 1155, 64013 PAU CEDEX
  • marc.artzrouni @


1. "Habilitation" in Applied Mathematics ,  (university professorship qualification).  University of Pau, France. 1992.  Title: Mathematical Methods in Population Dynamics: Application to Demography, Biology, and Economics. 

2.  Ph.D., Mathematics Applied to the Social Sciences, University Paris V Sorbonne, France, 1981. Title: Iterative Processes in Population Dynamics: Application to Easterlin's theory.

3. Graduate Degree in Demography, Institut de Démographie de l'Université de Paris, 1979. 

4. Master's Degree in Applied Mathematics  (Probability/statistics, Operations Research), University of Grenoble, France, 1978.

5. Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics,  University of Grenoble, France, 1976.


Chairman, "Comité d'Expert" - Departmental hiring committee. 


Mathematical modeling in biology, population dynamics,  economics.  Operations research.  Dynamical systems.  


Population dynamics, mathematical epidemiology, economics, mathematical biology. 


PhD Student, Vivient Kamla, 2008, University of Pau, Title: A stochastic model for the spread of HIV/AIDS: an individual-based approach. 


1. "Pyrenées Maths": a student journal of mathematics published online by the University of Pau. 

2. Artificial intelligence in the teaching of mathematics.

3.  Modeling of ride-hailing. 


Selected publications, since 2000 only.

1. Mathematics

M. Artzrouni, P. Cassagnard (2017) Nerlove-Arrow: A New Solution to an Old Problem.  Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 172: 267-280.

 M. Artzrouni (2006) A new family of periodic functions as explicit roots of a class of polynomial equations. Australian Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. Vol 3, Issue 2, 1-16.

 M. Artzrouni (2003) The local coefficient of ergodicity of a nonnegative matrix, SIAM Journal of Matrix Analysis and Applications. Vol 25, No 2, 507-516.

M. Artzrouni et O. Gavart. (2000) Non-linear matrix iterative processes and generalized coefficients of ergodicity. SIAM Journal of Matrix Analysis and Applications. Vol 2, No 4, 1343-1353.

2. Biomathematics

M. Artzrouni,  V. Leonenko, T. Mara (2015) A syringe-sharing model for the spread of HIV: Application to Omsk, Western Siberia, Mathematical Medicine and  Biology,  doi: 10.1093/imammb/dqv036.

 M. Artzrouni, N. Teichert and T. Mara (2014) A Leslie matrix model for Sicyopterus lagocephalus in  La Réunion: Sensitivity, uncertainty and research prioritization,  Mathematical Biosciences, 256: 18-27.  

 M. Artzrouni et E. Deuchert (2012)  Consistent partnership formation: Application to a sexually transmitted disease model.  Mathematical Biosciences,  235: 182-188. 

 M. Artzrouni et E. Deuchert (2010) Do men and women have the same average number of lifetime partners? Mathematical Population Studies, 17,4: 242-256.

M. Artzrouni (2009) Transmission probabilities and reproduction numbers for sexually transmitted infections with variable infectivity: Application to the spread of HIV between low- and high-activity populations,  Mathematical Population Studies, Vol 16, no 4: 266-287.

M. Artzrouni and J.P. Gouteux (2006) A parity-structured matrix model for tsetse populations. Mathematical Biosciences, Vol 204, No 2; 214-231. doi:10.1016/j.mbs.2006.08.022

M. Artzrouni (2004) Back-calculation and projections of the HIV/AIDS epidemic among homosexual/bisexual men in three European countries: evaluation of past projections and updates allowing for treatment effects. European Journal of Epidemiology 19(2); 171-179.

M. Artzrouni et JP. Gouteux. (2001) Population dynamics of sleeping sickness: A microsimulation. Simulation and Gaming, 32, 2, pp. 215-227.

M. Artzrouni et JP. Gouteux. (2001) A model of Gambian sleeping sickness with open vector populations. IMA J. Math. Appl. Medicine and Biology. 18, pp. 99-117.

JP Gouteux, M. Artzrouni, et M. Jarry (2000) Une épidémie mise en équations. La Recherche, No 335; 34-38.

3. Biology, Medicine, Epidemiology

M. Artzrouni,  C. Begg, R. Chabiniok et el. (2011)  The first international workshop on the role and impact of mathematics in medicine: A collective account.  American Journal of Translational Research, 3(5): 492:497.

M. Artzrouni et JP. Gouteux (2003) Estimating tsetse population parameters: Application of a mathematical model with density-dependence. Medical and Veterinary Entomology, 17: 272-279.

UNAIDS Reference Group on Estimates, Modelling and Projections (2002) Improved methods and assumptions for estimation of the HIV/AIDS epidemic and its impact, AIDS, 16:W1-W14.

JP. Gouteux, M. Artzrouni et M. Jarry. (2001) A model with density-dependant immigration to estimate tsetse fly population by trapping, Bulletin of Entomological Research 91: 177-183.

M. Artzrouni, et J P. Gouteux (2000) Persistance et résurgence de la maladie du sommeil à Trypanosoma brucei gambiense dans les foyers historiques : approche biomathématique d’une énigme épidémiologique. Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences. (Sciences de la vie). 323, pp. 351-364.

4. Economics, finance

M. Artzrouni et F. Tramonta (2014) The debt trap: a two-compartment train-wreck...and how to avoid it.  Journal of Policy Modeling, 36, 241-256.

M. Artzrouni (2009) The mathematics of Ponzi schemes, Mathematical Social Sciences, Vol 58, no 2: 190-201.

 J. Komlos et M. Artzrouni (2003) Un modèle démo-économique de la Révolution Industrielle, Economies et Sociétés, Série "Histoire économique quantitative", AF, no 30, 10/2003. 1807-1821.