Analysis, geometry and applications

Team Analysis, Geometry and Applications

Team leader



Permanents members


BRÉHIER  Charles-Edouard, CRESSON Jacky, GIACOMONI Jacques, VALLET Guy.

Associate professors

BARBET Luc, BETBEDER Jean-Bernard, FLORENS Vincent (HDR), LEVI Laurent (HDR), MARQUET Catherine, RICHARD Yves, VALLES Jean (HDR), WARNAULT Guillaume.

Temporary researchers, engineers

AL BABA Hind (Ch associé), ARTZROUNI Marc(Pr Émerite),  BLOCH Isabelle (Ch associé), COMASCHI Gaia (PostDoc), GIBEL Patrick (Ch associé), LALAUDE Marc (Ch associé), NGUYEN Huang (Ch associé), PATIE Pierre (Ch associé), RAUDIN Yves (Ch associé).


PhD students

CONSTANTIN Loïc, EN-NEBBAZI Nassim, MANOURAS Manousos, NGkwing KING Wayne.


Détails sur son axe de recherche




Details on the focus of researc