Brahim AmazianeMaître de Conférences HDR
- Equipe "Méthodes Numériques et Fluides Complexes"
Adresse : Bâtiment IPRA - Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, Avenue de l'Université - BP 1155, 64013 PAU CEDEXbrahim.amaziane @ univ-pau.fr
2005 : Habilitation à diriger des recherches - Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour.
Homogénéisation et modélisation numérique d'écoulements en milieux poreux hétérogènes. Applications à des problématiques énergétiques et environnementales.
Jury : G. Allaire, M. Amara, Y. Amirat, R. Becker, A. Bourgeat, P. Fabrie, J. Jaffré,B. Noetinger, T.F. Russell, P. Terpolilli
1988 : Doctorat de Mathématiques Appliquées -Université Lyon 1.
Application des techniques d'homogénéisation aux écoulements diphasiques incompressibles en miilieux poreux.
Jury : J. Baranger, A. Bourgeat, G. Chavent, D. Guerillot, C. Marle, F. Murat, R. Robert
Postes occupés
- depuis 1988 : Maître de Conférences au Laboratoire de Mathématiques et de leurs Applications de Pau (LMAP) UMR 5142, Université de Pau.
- 1987-1988 : Allocataire d’Enseignement Supérieur à l’INSA de Lyon.
- 1984–1986 : Allocataire de Recherche du Ministère de la Recherche et de la Technologie à l’Université Lyon 1.
Thèmes de recherche
Mes activités de recherche portent sur la modélisation mathématique et la simulation numérique de modèles relevant de la mécanique des fluides en milieux poreux appliqués à des problématiques énergétiques et environnementales : ingénierie pétrolière, gestion de stockage sous-terrain de déchets radioactifs, stockage du CO2, intrusion marine dans les aquifères côtiers.
- Approximation par volumes finis de modèles d'écoulement et de transport en milieux poreux.
- Simulation numérique d'écoulements diphasiques avec transport réactif en milieux poreux.
- Homogénéisation d'écoulements multiphasique en milieux poreux.
- Analyse numérique et analyse mathématique.
- Développement de la plate-forme de simulation numérique : Reactive-DuMuX: A Collaborative Parallel Platform for Numerical Simulation of Multiphase Multicomponent Flow with Reactive Transport in Porous Media
- Projet ANR HyStorEn : Comportement physico-chimique de l’Hydrogène lors du stockage dans un hydrosystème et impact/monitoring environnemental (10/2022-09/2026).
- EURAD European Joint Programme on Radioactive Waste Management
WP4 DONUT (Development and Improvement Of Numerical methods and Tools for modelling coupled processes) (06/2019 – 05/2024)
- Chaire Industrielle CO₂ / Enhanced Storage - CO₂ES Stockage du CO₂ dans des aquifères salins
- FORGE Fate Of Repository Gases
European Union's Seventh Framework Euratom Programme (02/2009 - 09/2013)
Thèses de Doctorat
Thèses soutenues
- Youssef Zahraoui, " NUMERICAL SIMULATION AND CONVERGENCE ANALYSIS OF FINITE VOLUME SCHEMES FOR NONISOTHERMAL TWO-PHASE FLOW IN POROUS MEDIA" . Thèse de l'Université Moulay Ismaîl, ENSAM, Meknès, Maroc, soutenue le 21 juin 2024. Co-direction avec Mustapha El Ossmani.
- Khadija Talali, "Modélisation mathématique et numérique de modèles d’intrusion marine dans les nappes côtières". Thèse de l'Université Moulay Ismaîl, ENSAM, Meknès, Maroc, soutenue le 17 décembre 2021. Co-direction avec Mustapha El Ossmani.
- Ivana Radišić, "Mathematical modeling and numerical simulation of multiphase multicomponent flow with in porous media", Thèse de l'Université de Zagreb, Croatie, soutenue le 6 juillet 2020. Co-direction avec Mladen Jurak.
- Mohamed Id Moulay, "Modélisation et simulation numérique 3D d’écoulements multiphasiques réactifs en milieux poreux", soutenue le 9 décembre 2019. Co-direction avec Etienne Ahusborde. Fichier au format pdf.
- Latifa Ait Mahiout, "Homogénéisation et simulation numérique d'écoulements diphasiques immiscibles et compressible en milieux poreux", Thèse de l'ENS Kouba, Algérie, soutenue en 2016. Co-direction avec Abdelhafid Mokrane.
- Viatcheslav Vostrikov, "Modélisation et simulation numérique d’écoulements diphasiques immiscibles en milieux poreux", soutenue en 2014. Co-direction avec Etienne Ahusborde et Michel Kern.
- Anja Vrbaški, "Homogenization and Mathematical Analysis of Immiscible Compressible Two-Phase Flow in Heterogeneous Porous Media by the Concept of the Global Pressure", Thèse de l'Université de Zagreb, Croatie, soutenue en 2012. Co-direction avec Mladen Jurak.
- Ana Žgaljić Keko, "Modelling, Analysis and Numerical Simulations of
Immiscible Compressible Two-phase Fluid Flow in Heterogeneous Porous Media", Thèse de l'Université de Zagreb, Croatie, soutenue en 2011. Co-direction avec Mladen Jurak. - Mustapha El Ossmani, "Méthodes numériques pour la simulation des écoulements miscibles en milieux poreux hétérogènes", soutenue en 2005.
- Mohammed Afif, "Schémas volumes-finis pour une classe d’équations de type convection-diffusion issues des milieux poreux", soutenue en 2002.
- Bienvenu Ondami, "Sur quelques problèmes d'homogénéisation des écoulements en milieux poreux", soutenue en 2001.
- Thierry Hontans, "Homogénéisation numérique de paramètres pétrophysiques pour des maillages déstructurés en simulation de réservoir", soutenue en 2000. Co-direction avec P. Terpolilli (Total, CSTJF, Pau).
- M. Knodel, " Simulation Haute Performance 3D des Couplages entre Réactions Géochimiques et Processus Hydrodynamiques en Milieu Poreux", Co-direction avec E. Ahusborde, Septembre 2020 - Août 2021. (Cofinancement ISIFoR & Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine).
- M. El Fatini, "Recherche d’un estimateur d’erreur a posteriori pour le logiciel MELODIE en 2D et 3D et application à l’adaptation de maillage'', Co-Direction avec M. Bourgeois (IRSN), Septembre 2009 – Mars 2011.
- M. El Ossmani, "Modélisation mathématique et numérique des écoulements diphasiques en milieux poreux : application au transfert des gaz autour du stockage de déchets radioactifs", Co-Direction avec C. Serres (IRSN), Septembre 2005 –Décembre 2007.
- A. El Kacimi, "Développement de Méthodes Numériques pour l'Ecoulement et le Transport de Radionucléides en Milieux Poreux Hétérogènes", Co-Direction avec C. Serres (IRSN), Octobre 2005 –Septembre 2006.
- C. Calugaru, "Modélisation Numérique 3D de l’Ecoulement et du Transport de Radionucléides en Milieux Poreux Hétérogènes", Co-Direction avec C. Serres (IRSN), Septembre 2004 – Août 2005.
Articles dans des revues internationales à comité de lecture
- Amaziane, B.; El Ossmani, M.; Quenjel EH.; Zahraoui, Y. Convergence of a CVFE finite volume scheme for nonisothermal immiscible incompressible two-phase flow in porous media. SMAI Journal of Computational Mathematics 10(17-18):263-304, 2024.
- Amaziane, B.; El Ossmani, M.; Zahraoui, Y.
- Zahraoui, Y. Convergence of a TPFA finite volume scheme for nonisothermal immiscible
compressible two-phase flow in porous media. Computers and Mathematics with Applications 165 (2024) 118–149. - de Hoop, S., Voskov, D., Ahusborde, E, Amaziane, B., Kern, M. A benchmark study on reactive two-phase flow in porous media: Part I - model description. Journal Computational Geosciences, 175–189 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10596-024-10268-z
- Ahusborde, E., Amaziane, B., de Hoop, S., El Ossmani, M., Flauraud, E., Hamon, F.P., Kern, M., Socié, A., Su, D., Mayer, K.U., Tóth, M., Voskov, D.. A benchmark study on reactive two-phase flow in porous media: Part II - results and discussion. Journal Computational Geosciences (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10596-024-10269-y
- Amaziane, B.; Piatnitski, A.; Zhizhina; E. Homogenization of diffusion in high contrast random media and related Markov semigroups. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - B, 2023, 28(8): 4661-4682. doi: 10.3934/dcdsb.2023034
- Amaziane, B.; El Ossmani, M.; Talali, K. Convergence of a multi-point flux approximation finite volume scheme for a sharp-diffuse interfaces model for seawater intrusion. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 114696 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cam.2022.114696
- Amaziane, B.; Pankratov L.; Piatnitski, A. Homogenization of nonisothermal immiscible compressible two-phase flow in random porosity media. Journal of Differential Equations 305 (2021) 206-223. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jde.2021.10.012
- Aharmouch, A., Amaziane, B. Efficient mass conservative numerical model for solving variably saturated groundwater flow. Journal of Hydrology, Volume 603, Part B, December 2021, 126976. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2021.126976
- Ahusborde, E., Amaziane, B., Id Moulay, M. High performance computing of 3D reactive multiphase flow in porous media: application to geological storage of CO2 . Journal Computational Geosciences (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10596-021-10082-x
- Amaziane, B.; Jurak, M.;I Radišić, I. Convergence of a finite volume scheme for immiscible compressible two-phase flow in porous media by the concept of the global pressure. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 399 (2021). doi.org/10.1016/j.cam.2021.113728.
- Amaziane, B.; Jurak, M.; Pankratov L.; Piatnitski, A. Homogenization of nonisothermal immiscible incompressible two-phase flow in double porosity media. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications Volume 61, October 2021, 103323. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nonrwa.2021.103323
- Amaziane, B., Pankratov, L. Homogenization of coupled immiscible compressible two-phase flow with kinetics in porous media, Applicable Analysis, 2020. DOI: 10.1080/00036811.2020.1738398,
- Aharmouch, A.; Amaziane, B.; El Ossmani, M.; Talali, K. A Fully Implicit Finite Volume Scheme for a Seawater Intrusion Problem in Coastal Aquifers. Water 2020, 12, 1639.
- Ahusborde, E., Amaziane, B., El Ossmani, M., Id Moulay, M., Numerical modeling and simulation of fully coupled processes of reactive multiphase flow in porous media, Journal of Mathematical Study, Vol 52, 359-377, 2019.
- Wendling, J., Justinavicius, D., Sentis, M., Amaziane, B., Bond, A.,Calder, N. J., Treille, E. Gas transport modelling at different spatial scales of a geological repository in clay host rock. Environmental Earth Sciences 78:221 (2019).
- Ahusborde, E., Amaziane, B., El Ossmani, M. Improvement of numerical approximation of coupled multiphase multicomponent flow with reactive geochemical transport in porous media. Oil & Gas Science and Technology - Rev. IFP Energies nouvelles 73, 73 (2018).
- Amaziane, B.; Jurak, M.; Pankratov L.; Piatnitski, A. Homogenization of nonisothermal immiscible incompressible two-phase flow in porous media. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 43, pp. 192-212. Online publication date: 1-Oct-2018.
- Amaziane, B., Jurak, M., Pankratov, L., Vrbaški, A. Some remarks on the homogenization of immiscible incompressible two-phase flow in double porosity media (2018) Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. B 23 (2), pp. 629-665.
- Amaziane, B.; Jurak, M.; Pankratov L.; Piatnitski, A. An existence result for nonisothermal immiscible incompressible 2-phase flow in heterogeneous porous media. (2017) Math. Meth. Appl. Sci., 40, 7510–7539.
- Amaziane, B., Pankratov, L., Piatnitski, A. An improved homogenization result for immiscible compressible two-phase flow in porous media (2017) Networks and Heterogeneous Media, 12 (1), pp. 147-171.
- Amaziane, B., Pankratov, L. Homogenization of compressible two-phase two-component flow in porous media (2016) Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 30, pp. 213-235.
- Ait Mahiout, L., Amaziane, B., Mokrane, A., Pankratov, L. Homogenization of immiscible compressible two-phase flow in double porosity media (2016) Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 2016 .
- Amaziane, B., Pankratov, L. Homogenization of a model for water-gas flow through double-porosity media (2016) Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 39 (3), pp. 425-451.
- Amaziane, B., Panfilov, M., Pankratov, L. Homogenized Model of Two-Phase Flow with Local Nonequilibrium in Double Porosity Media (2016) Advances in Mathematical Physics, 2016, art. no. 3058710.
- Ahusborde, E., Amaziane, B., Jurak, M. Three-dimensional numerical simulation by upscaling of gas migration through engineered and geological barriers for a deep repository for radioactive waste (2015) Geological Society Special Publication, 415 (1), pp. 123-141.
- Amaziane, B., Pankratov, L., Piatnitski, A. Homogenization of immiscible compressible two-phase flow in highly heterogeneous porous media with discontinuous capillary pressures (2014) Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 24 (7), pp. 1421-1451.
- Amaziane, B., Jurak, M., Žgaljić Keko, A. Modeling compositional compressible two-phase flow in porous media by the concept of the global pressure (2014) Computational Geosciences, 18 (3-4), pp. 297-309.
- Amaziane, B., Bourgeois, M., El Fatini, M. Adaptive mesh refinement for a finite volume method for flow and transport of radionuclides in heterogeneous porous media [Adaptation de maillage pour un schéma volumes finis pour la simulation d'écoulement et de transport de radionucléides en milieux poreux hétérogènes] (2014) J. Oil and Gas Science and Technology, 69 (4), pp. 687-699.
- Amaziane, B., Pankratov, L. Homogenization in Sobolev spaces with nonstandard growth: Brief review of methods and applications (2013) International Journal of Differential Equations, 2013, art. no. 693529.
- Amaziane, B., Jurak, M., Vrbaški, A. Homogenization results for a coupled system modelling immiscible compressible two-phase flow in porous media by the concept of global pressure (2013) Applicable Analysis, 92 (7), pp. 1417-1433.
- Amaziane, B., Pankratov, L., Piatnitski, A. The existence of weak solutions to immiscible compressible two-phase flow in porous media: The case of fields with different rock-types (2013) Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B, 18 (5), pp. 1217-1251.
- Amaziane, B., Jurak, M., Žgaljić-Keko, A. Numerical simulations of water-gas flow in heterogeneous porous media with discontinuous capillary pressures by the concept of global pressure (2012) Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 236 (17), pp. 4227-4244.
- Amaziane, B., Antontsev, S., Pankratov, L. Time of complete displacement of an immiscible compressible fluid by water in porous media: Application to gas migration in a deep nuclear waste repository (2012) Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 13 (5), pp. 2144-2153.
- Amaziane, B., Jurak, M., Vrbaški, A. Existence for a global pressure formulation of water-gas flow in porous media (2012) Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 2012.
- Aharmouch, A., Amaziane, B. Development and evaluation of a numerical model for steady state interface and/or free surface groundwater flow (2012) Journal of Hydrology, 434-435, pp. 110-120.
- Amaziane, B., El Ossmani, M., Jurak, M. Numerical simulation of gas migration through engineered and geological barriers for a deep repository for radioactive waste (2012) Computing and Visualization in Science, 15 (1), pp. 3-20.
- Amaziane, B., Milišić, J.P., Panfilov, M., Pankratov, L. Generalized nonequilibrium capillary relations for two-phase flow through heterogeneous media (2012) Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 85 (1), art. no. 016304.
- Amaziane, B., Jurak, M., Žgaljić Keko, A. An existence result for a coupled system modeling a fully equivalent global pressure formulation for immiscible compressible two-phase flow in porous media (2011) Journal of Differential Equations, 250 (3), pp. 1685-1718.
- Amaziane, B., Pankratov, L., Prytula, V. Homogenization of one phase flow in a highly heterogeneous porous medium including a thin layer (2010) Asymptotic Analysis, 70 (1-2), pp. 51-86.
- Amaziane, B., Antontsev, S., Pankratov, L., Piatnitski, A. Homogenization of immiscible compressible two-phase flow in porous media: Application to gas migration in a nuclear waste repository (2010) SIAM Multiscale Modeling and Simulation, 8 (5), pp. 2023-2047.
- Amaziane, B., Pankratov, L., Piatnitski, A. Homogenization of variational functionals with nonstandard growth in perforated domains (2010) Networks and Heterogeneous Media, 5 (2), pp. 189-215.
- Afif, M., Amaziane, B., Kunert, G., Mghazli, Z., Nicaise, S. A posteriori error estimation for a finite volume discretization on anisotropic meshes (2010) Journal of Scientific Computing, 43 (2), pp. 183-200.
- Amaziane, B., Jurak, M., Žgaljić Keko, A. Modeling and numerical simulations of immiscible compressible two-phase flow in porous media by the concept of global pressure (2010) Transport in Porous Media, 84 (1), pp. 133-152.
- Amaziane, B., Pankratov, L., Prytula, V. Nonlocal effects in homogenization of pε (x)-Laplacian in perforated domains (2009) Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications, 71 (9), pp. 4078-4097.
- Amaziane, B., Pankratov, L., Rybalko, V. On the homogenization of some double-porosity models with periodic thin structures (2009) Applicable Analysis, 88 (10-11), pp. 1469-1492.
- Amaziane, B., Pankratov, L., Piatnitski, A. Nonlinear flow through double porosity media in variable exponent Sobolev spaces (2009) Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 10 (4), pp. 2521-2530.
- Amaziane, B., Pankratov, L., Prytula, V. Homogenization of pε (x)-Laplacian in perforated domains with a nonlocal transmission condition (2009) Comptes Rendus - Mecanique, 337 (3), pp. 173-178.
- Amaziane, B., Bergam, A., El Ossmani, M., Mghazli, Z. A posteriori estimators for vertex centred finite volume discretization of a convection-diffusion-reaction equation arising in flow in porous media (2009) International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 59 (3), pp. 259-284.
- Amaziane, B., Antontsev, S., Pankratov, L., Piatnitski, A. Homogenization of p-Laplacian in perforated domain (2009) Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare (C) Analyse Non Lineaire, 26 (6), pp. 2457-2479.
- Amaziane, B., Jurak, M. A new formulation of immiscible compressible two-phase flow in porous media (2008) Comptes Rendus - Mecanique, 336 (7), pp. 600-605.
- Amaziane, B., Antontsev, S., Pankratov, L., Piatnitski, A. Γ-convergence and homogenization of functionals in Sobolev spaces with variable exponents (2008) Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 342 (2), pp. 1192-1202.
- Amaziane, B., El Ossmani, M. Convergence analysis of an approximation to miscible fluid flows in porous media by combining mixed finite element and finite volume methods (2008) Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 24 (3), pp. 799-832.
- Amaziane, B., El Ossmani, M., Serres, C. Numerical modeling of the flow and transport of radionuclides in heterogeneous porous media (2008) Computational Geosciences, 12 (4), pp. 437-449.
- Amaziane, B., Pankratov, L. On the homogenization of some linear problems in domains weakly connected by a system of traps (2007) Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 30 (15), pp. 1855-1883.
- Amaziane, B., Pankratov, L., Piatnitski, A. Homogenization of a single phase flow through a porous medium in a thin layer (2007) Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 17 (9), pp. 1317-1349.
- Amaziane, B., Goncharenko, M., Pankratov, L. Homogenization of a convection-diffusion equation in perforated domains with a weak adsorption (2007) ZAMP Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 58 (4), pp. 592-611.
- Amaziane, B., Antontsev, S., Pankratov, L. Homogenization of a class of nonlinear elliptic equations with nonstandard growth (2007) Comptes Rendus - Mecanique, 335 (3), pp. 138-143.
- Amaziane, B., Koebbe, J. JHomogenizer: A computational tool for upscaling permeability for flow in heterogeneous porous media (2006) Computational Geosciences, 10 (4), pp. 343-359.
- Amaziane, B., Pankratov, L., Piatnitski, A. Homogenization of a class of quasilinear elliptic equations in high-contrast fissured media (2006) Royal Society of Edinburgh - Proceedings A, 136 (6), pp. 1131-1155.
- Amaziane, B., Pankratov, L., Piatnitski, A. Homogenization of quasilinear elliptic equations with non-uniformly bounded coefficients (2006) Nonlinearity, 19 (12), art. no. 014.
- Amaziane, B., Bourgeat, A., Jurak, M. Effective macrodiffusion in solute transport through heterogeneous porous media (2006) SIAM Multiscale Modeling and Simulation, 5 (1), pp. 184-204.
- Amaziane, B., Pankratov, L. Homogenization of a reaction-diffusion equation with Robin interface conditions (2006) Applied Mathematics Letters, 19 (11), pp. 1175-1179.
- Amaziane, B., Goncharenko, M., Pankratov, L.ΓD-convergence for a class of quasilinear elliptic equations in thin structures (2005) Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 28 (15), pp. 1847-1865.
- Amaziane, B., Goncharenko, M., Pankratov, L. Homogenization of a degenerate triple porosity model with thin fissures (2005) European Journal of Applied Mathematics, 16 (3), pp. 335-359.
- Amaziane, B., Naji, A., Ouazar, D., Cheng, A.H.-D. Chance-constrained optimization of pumping in coastal aquifers by stochastic boundary element method and genetic algorithm (2005) Computers, Materials and Continua, 2 (2), pp. 85-96.
- Amaziane, B., Naji, A., Ouazar, D. Radial basis function and genetic algorithms for parameter identification to some groundwater flow problems (2004) Computers, Materials and Continua, 1 (2), pp. 117-128.
- Amaziane, B., Ondami, B. Homogenization of a three-phase flow model in porous media (2004) Appl. Anal., 83 (7), pp. 649-660.
- Amaziane, B., Bourgeat, A., Goncharenko, M., Pankratov, L. Characterization of the flow for a single fluid in an excavation damaged zone (2004) Comptes Rendus - Mecanique, 332 (1), pp. 79-84.
- Afif, M., Amaziane, B. Numerical simulation of two-phase flow through heterogeneous porous media (2003) Numerical Algorithms, 34 (2-4), pp. 117-125.
- Afif, M., Amaziane, B. Convergence of finite volume schemes for a degenerate convection-diffusion equation arising in flow in porous media (2002) Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 191 (46), pp. 5265-5286.
- Afif, M., Amaziane, B. On convergence of finite volume schemes for one- dimensional two-phase flow in porous media (2002) Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 145 (1), pp. 31-48.
- Amaziane, B., Hontans, T., Koebbe, J.V. Equivalent permeability and simulation of two-phase flow in heterogeneous porous media (2001) Computational Geosciences, 5 (4), pp. 279-300.
- Amaziane, B.; Bourgeat, A.; El Amri, H. Existence of solutions to various rock types model of two-phase flow in porous media. Appl. Anal. 60 (1996), no. 1-2, 121-132.
- Amaziane, B. Global behavior of compressible three-phase flow in heterogeneous porous media (1993) Transport in Porous Media, 10 (1), pp. 43-56.
- Amaziane, B., Bourgeat, A., Koebbe, J. Numerical simulation and homogenization of two-phase flow in heterogeneous porous media (1991) Transport in Porous Media, 6 (5-6), pp. 519-547.
Articles dans des actes publiés de conférences internationales
- Ahusborde, E., Amaziane, B., El Ossmani, M. Finite volume scheme for coupling two–phase flow with reactive transport in porous media (2017) Finite volumes for complex applications VIII—hyperbolic, elliptic and parabolic problems, 407–415,Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, 200, pp. 407-415.
- Ahusborde E., Amaziane B., El Ossmani M., Improvement of numerical approximation of coupled two-phase multicomponent flow with reactive geochemical transport in porous media, (2017) SIAM Conference on Mathematical & Computational Issues in the Geosciences, Erlangen, Germnay, pp. 160-161.
- Ahusborde, E., Amaziane, B., El Ossmani, M. A sequential semi-implicit algorithm for computing two-phase multicomponent flow with reactive transport in porous media (2017) Proceedings of MAMERN VII Conference, Oujda (Morocco), p. 80.
- Ahusborde, E., Amaziane, B., El Ossmani, M. Numerical study of two--Phase multicomponent flow with reactive transport in porous media, (2017) Proceedings 5th International Congress of the SM2A, Meknes, Morocco.
- Ahusborde, E., Amaziane, B., El Ossmani, M., Poncet, P. Numerical modeling of coupled two-phase multicomponent flow with reactive geochemical transport in porous media, (2016) Proceedings 13èmes Journées d'Etudes des Milieux Poreux, Anglet, France, pp. 113-114.
- Ahusborde, E., Amaziane, B., El Ossmani, M., Poncet, P. An integrated two-phase flow with reactive transport model in a parallel reservoir simulator (2015) Proceedings of MAMERN VI Conference, Pau (France), pp. 45-46.
- Ahusborde, E., Amaziane, B., Jurak, M. 3D numerical simulation by upscaling of gas migration through engineered and geological barriers for a deep repository for radioactive waste (2013) Proceedings of MAMERN V Conference, Granada (Spain), p. 115.
- Ahusborde, E., Amaziane, B., Kern, M., Vostrikov, V. Modelling and numerical simulation of two-phase multi-components flow with reactive transport in porous media - Application to geological storage of carbon dioxide (2013) Sustainable Earth Sciences, SES 2013: Technologies for Sustainable Use of the Deep Sub-Surface.
- Amaziane, B., Jurak, M., Zgaljic-Keko, A. Modeling compositional compressible two-phase flow in porous media by the concept of the global pressure (2012) ECMOR 2012 - 13th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery.
- Amaziane, B., Bourgeois, M., El Fatini, M. A posteriori estimators and adaptative mesh refinement for finite volume finite element method for flow and transport of radionuclides in porous media (2011) Proceedings of MAMERN IV Conference, Saidia (Morocco), pp. 105-110.
- Aharmouch, A., Amaziane, B., A 3D numerical procedure to solve unconfined transient groundwater flow (2011) Proceedings of MAMERN IV Conference, Saidia (Morocco), pp. 55-58.
- Amaziane, B., Pankratov, L., Prytula, V. Nonlocal effects in homogenization of pε(x)-Laplacian in perforated domains (2009) Proceedings of MAMERN III Conference, Pau (France), pp. 127-132.
- Amaziane, B., Pankratov, L., Piatnitski, A. Homogenization of variational functionals with nonstandard growth in perforated domains (2009) Proceedings of MAMERN III Conference, Pau (France), pp. 121-126.
- Amaziane, B., Jurak, M., Žgaljić Keko, A. Modeling and numerical simulations of water-gas flow in porous media using the concept of global pressure (2009) Proceedings of MAMERN III Conference, Pau (France), pp. 115-120.
- Aharmouch, A., Amaziane, B., Assessment of numerical schemes for solving groundwater flow problems (2009) Proceedings of MAMERN III Conference, Pau (France), pp. 81-86.
- Afif, M., Amaziane, B. Convergence of a finite volume scheme and numerical simulations for water-gas flow in porous media (2009) Proceedings of MAMERN III Conference, Pau (France), pp. 55-60.
- Afif, M., Amaziane, B. Numerical simulation for the anisotropic benchmark by a vertex-centred finite volume method (2008) Finite Volumes for Complex Applications V, ISTE, London, pp. 693-704.
- Amaziane, B., Bourgeat, A., El Ossmani, M., Jurak, M., Koebbe, J. Homogenizer++: a platform for upscaling multiphase flows in heterogeneous porous media (2006) Ninth International Conference Zaragoza-Pau on Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Monogr. Semin. Mat. García Galdeano, 33, Prensas Univ. Zaragoza, Zaragoza, pp. 365-402.
- Amaziane, B., Bergam, A., El Ossmani, M., Mghazli, Z. A posteriori estimators of a finite scheme for of a convection-diffusion-reaction equation (2005) Proceedings of MAMERN 1st Conference, Oujda (Morocco), pp. 114-115.
- Amaziane, B., El Ossmani, M., Serres, C. Mflow: a code for numerical simulation of miscible flow in heterogeneous porous media (2005) Proceedings of MAMERN 1st Conference, Oujda (Morocco), pp. 87-89.
- Amaziane, B., El Ossmani, M. Combined mixed finite element and finite volume for flow and transport in porous media (2004) VIII Journées Zaragoza-Pau de Mathématiques Appliquées et de Statistiques, Monogr. Semin. Mat. García Galdeano, 31, Prensas Univ. Zaragoza, Zaragoza, pp. 31-39.
- Amaziane, B., Ondami, B. A homogenization result for three-phase flow through periodic heterogeneous porous media (2003) Seventh Zaragoza-Pau Conference on Applied Mathematics and Statistics (Spanish), Monogr. Semin. Mat. García Galdeano, 27, Univ. Zaragoza, Zaragoza, pp. 49-55.
- Amaziane, B., Numerical simulation of multiphase flows in heterogeous porous media (2002) Poromechnaics II, Auriault et al. (eds). A.A. Balkema Publishers, Grenoble, France, pp. 321-326.
- Amaziane, B., Hontans, T. Homogenization and 3-D numerical simulation of a model of diphasic fluid flow in porous media (2001), Actes des VIèmes Journées Zaragoza-Pau de Mathématiques Appliquées et de Statistiques, Publ. Univ. Pau, Pau, pp. 77-84.
- Amaziane, B., Ondami, B. Numerical approximations of a second order elliptic equation with highly oscillating coefficients (1999) Numerical treatment of multiscale problems, Notes Numer. Fluid Mech., 70, Friedr. Vieweg, Braunschweig, pp. 1-11.
- Afif, M., Amaziane, B. Analysis of finite volume schemes for two-phase flow in porous media on unstructured grids (1999) Finite volumes for complex applications II, Hermes Sci. Publ., Paris, pp. 387-394.
- Amaziane, B., Hontans, T., Terpolilli, P., TESSIER Ph., Permeability Upscaling for Flexible Grids Using Flux Methods, Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery, Peebles, Scotland, 1998, pp. C211-C216.
- Amaziane, B., Batchi, M. Effective relative permeabilities and capillary pressure of a three-phase flow model in heterogeneous porous media (1996) Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Methods in Water Resources, CMWR, pp. 304-314.
- Amaziane, B. Effective Relative Permeabilities of Two-Phase Flow in Heterogeneous Porous Media, Symposium on Modelization and Numerical Methods in Petroleum Engineering, La Marsa, Tunisia, pp. 1-14, 1995.
- Amaziane, B., Conca, C. Perméabilités Absolues Effectives d'un Gisement de Pétrole à Plusieurs Types de Roches, Actas de las III Jornadas Zaragoza-Pau de Matematica Aplicada, M. MADAUNE-TORT et al., Eds, Publicaciones del Seminario Matematico, Universidad de Zaragoza, pp. 97-102, 1994.
- Amaziane, B., Bourgeat, A., Koebbe, J. Numerical Simulation of Diphasic Flow in Heterogeneous Porous Media by Homogenization, Modeling and Analysis of Diffusive and Advective Processes in Geosciences, SIAM, pp. 1-23, 1992.
- Amaziane, B. Homogénéisation d'un Modèle d’Ecoulements Triphasiques en Milieux Poreux, Actes des IIèmes Journées Saragosse-Pau de Mathématiques Appliquées, M. C. LOPEZ DE SILANES & B. YCART, Eds, Publications de l'Université de Pau, pp. 59-64, 1992.
- Amaziane, B., Bourgeat, A., El Amri, H. Un Résultat d'Existence pour un Modèle d'Ecoulements Diphasiques dans un Gisement à plusieurs Types de Roches, Les Annales Maghrébines de l'Ingénieur, Hors Série, Vol. 1, pp. 95-100, 1991.
- Amaziane, B., Bourgeat, A., Koebbe, J. Numerical simulation and homogenization of two-phase flow in heterogeneous porous media (1991) Mathematical modeling for flow and transport through porous media, pp. 519-547.
- Amaziane, B., Bourgeat, A., Koebbe, J. Numerical Simulation and Homogenization of Diphasic Flow in Heterogeneous Reservoir, 2nd European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery, D. Guérillot, and O. Guillon (Editors), Editions Technip, Paris 1990, pp. 75--81.
- Amaziane, B., Bourgeat, A Effective Behavior of Two-Phase Flow in Heterogeneous Reservoir, In Numerical Simulation in Oil Recovery, the IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications, M. F. WHEELER Ed., Vol. 11, pp. 1--22, 1988.
Direction d'ouvrages collectifs
Numéros Spéciaux de Revues
- Allaire, G., Amaziane, B., Gilbert, R., Jäger, W., Piatnitski, A., Vernescu, B. Applicable Analysis Special issue: Introduction to the Andro Mikelic memorial volume, J. Applicable Analysis, Volume 101, Issue 12, pages 4043-4373, 2022.
- Amaziane, B., Barrera, D. MATCOM Special Issue MAMERN VII-2017: 7th International Conference on Approximation Methods and Numerical Modeling in Environment and Natural Resources, J. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Volume 164 Pages 1-190, 2019.
- Amaziane, B., Barrera, D., Sbibih, D. MATCOM Special Issue MAMERN VI-2015: 6th International Conference on Approximation Methods and Numerical Modeling in Environment and Natural Resources, J. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Volume 137 Pages 1-466, 2017.
- Amaziane, B., Jurak, M. Appl. Anal. Special issue: Mathematical & Numerical Analysis of Flow and Transport in Porous Media J. Applicable Analysis, Issue 10, Pages 2125–2322, 2016.
- Amaziane, B., Barrera, D., Sbibih, D. MATCOM Special Issue MAMERN V-2013: 5th International Conference on Approximation Methods and Numerical Modeling in Environment and Natural Resources, J. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Volume 118 Pages 1-382, 2015.
- Amaziane, B., Barrera, D. MATCOM Special Issue MAMERN IV-2011: 4th International Conference on Approximation Methods and Numerical Modeling in Environment and Natural Resources, J. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Volume 102 Pages 1-168, 2014. PART II. Volume 99 Pages 1-206, 2014. Part I.
- Amaziane, B., Barrera, D. MATCOM Special Issue MAMERN III-2009: 3rd International Conference on Approximation Methods and Numerical Modeling in Environment and Natural Resources, J. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Volume 81, Issue 10 Pages 1935-2370, 2011.
- Amaziane, B., Gilbert, R.P., Jurak, M. Appl. Anal. Special issue: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Simulation of Flow and Transport in Porous Media Applicable Analysis, 88 (10-11), pp. 1429-1609, 2009.
- Amaziane, B., Barrera, D., Sbibih, D. MATCOM Special Issue MAMERN II-2007: 2nd International Conference on Approximation Methods and Numerical Modeling in Environment and Natural Resources, J. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Volume 79, Issue 12 Pages 3375-3622, 2009.
- Amaziane, B., Barrera, D., Sbibih, D. MATCOM Special Issue MAMERN I-2005: 1st International Conference on Approximation Methods and Numerical Modeling in Environment and Natural Resources, J. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Volume 77, Issues 2–3 Pages 141-330, 2008.
- Amaziane B. ; Barrera D. ; Ibanez-Perez M.J.; Romero-Zaliz R.; Sbibih, D. (eds). Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Approximation Methods and numerical Modeling in Environment and Natural Resources (MAMERN VII -- 2017) / - EUG, Universidad de Granada, 2017. 1 Volume 178 pages, ISBN: 978-84-338-6064-4.
- Amaziane B. ; Ahusborde E., Barrera D. ; Ibanez-Perez M.J.; Romero-Zaliz R.; Sbibih, D. (eds). Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Approximation Methods and numerical Modeling in Environment and Natural Resources (MAMERN VI--2015) / - EUG, Universidad de Granada, 2015. 1 Volume 163 pages, ISBN: 978-84-338-5783-5.
- Amaziane B. ; Jurak M.; (eds) Proceedings of International Conference on Numerical and Mathematical Modeling of Flow and Transport in Porous Media, 29 Sep - 3 Oct, 2014 Dubrovnik, Croatia.
- Amaziane B. ; Barrera D. ; Martinez-Aroza J. ; Palomares A. ; Sbibih, D. (eds). Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Approximation Methods and numerical Modeling in Environment and Natural Resources (MAMERN V--2013) / - EUG, Universidad de Granada, 2013. 1 Volume 187 pages, ISBN: 978-84-338-5505-3.
- Amaziane B. ; Barrera D. ; Mraoui H.; Rodriguez M.L.; Sbibih, D. (eds). Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Approximation Methods and numerical Modeling in Environment and Natural Resources (MAMERN IV--2011) / - EUG, Universidad de Granada, 2011. 2 Volume, 695 pages, ISBN: 978-84-338-5230-4.
- Amaziane B. ; Barrera D. ; Fortes M.A.; Ibanez M.J.; Odunlami M.; Palomares A. ; Pasadas M.; Rodriguez M.L.; Sbibih, D. (eds). Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Approximation Methods and numerical Modeling in Environment and Natural Resources (MAMERN III--2009) / - EUG, Universidad de Granada, 2009. 2 Volumes, 925 pages, ISBN: 978-84-338-5006-5.
- Amaziane B. ; Jurak M.; (eds) Proceedings of International Conference Scaling Up and Modeling for Transport and Flow in Porous Media Dubrovnik, Croatia, 13-16 October 2008.
- Amaziane B. ; Barrera D. ; Fortes M.A.; Gonzalez P.; Ibanez M.J.; Kouibia A.; Martinez J. ; Palomares A. ; Pasadas M.; Ramirez V.; Sablonnière P.; Sbibih, D. (eds). Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Approximation Methods and numerical Modeling in Environment and Natural Resources (MAMERN II--2007) / - EUG, Universidad de Granada, 2007. Volume 1, 451 pages, ISBN: 978-84-338-4782-9.
- Amaziane B. ; Barrera D.; Sbibih, D. (eds). Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Approximation Methods and numerical Modeling in Environment and Natural Resources (MAMERN I --20005) 1 Volume 198 pages, 2015.